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/The Vineyards/

Our vineyards are located in the heart of the Chianti Classicoi region, on the typical, galestro hills around San Polo. The vines cultivated by our company include the Sangiovese, the absolute master of our red wine, the Canaiolo and the Colorino, stretching over a total of around 4 and a half hectares, all grown with organic methods.

The company’s production stands at around 50.000 bottles: the rather low number of yield per hectare is due to the characteristics of the land on the one hand and to the processing methods used to preserve the typical qualities of our product on the other.

/Our Family's Wine/

When our family began to make wine is impossible to know… but we can certainly confirm that this nectar has never been missing from our table! We have been breathing the aroma of the must since we were little boys, and we remember with nostalgia and pleasure the days of our childhood, when we went with Dino (Sabatino Pruneti) to press the grapes with our bare feet in the large wooden vats. The flask of wine, an inseparable companion for our grandparents during the long days in the fields, was for us children something forbidden, and so it exerted an almost magical pull …Since then many things have changed, especially in the way this product is processed, but the aroma of fermenting must is still part of our family and our company.

The Pruneti Company is part of the Chianti Classico wine Consortium, which protects and promotes the denomination, the place of origin and the history of this product.

/Our Wine/

More than 10,000 people have already bought Pruneti

/Chianti between History and Legend/

The Black Rooster symbol that we find on the flasks and bottles has always identified the entire Chianti region. Its origins have been lost to time and are retold in a mediaeval legend about the rivalry between Florence and Siena.

It is said that the two cities, which had always been at war over who possessed this precious corner of Tuscany, both tired from bloody battles, decided to settle the matter with a single arbitration. The definition of the border was actually entrusted to a trial between two knights, one with the colours of Florence and the other on the side of Siena. The border was to be fixed at the point where the two knights met after leaving their respective cities at dawn, at the crowing of rooster. Siena bred a lovely white rooster for the occasion, which was soon very large due to excessive feeding. The people of Florence, however, chose a black rooster and kept it so close to fasting that on the fated day it would start to crow even before dawn. 

The day of the trial, the black rooster from Florence, dying of hunger, started to crow even before the sun had risen, while the white one, in Siena, still slept, full as it was. The knight from Florence, having the signal, started to gallop straight away, while his counterpart in Siena had to wait much longer before the rooster decided to crow: the result of the peaceful duel was that two knights met at Fonterutoli, only a few kilometres from the gates of Siena, and in this way the Florentine Republic was able to annex the whole Chianti region. While this may be only a legend, it is a fact that the profile of the Black Rooster was the emblem of the historic Chianti League, which has ruled over these lands since the 13th century. The painter Giorgio Vasari depicted, on the ceiling of the “Salone dei Cinquecento” in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, the Black Rooster as an allegory of the Chianti region, and the Consortium choose this ancient, seven-centuries-old symbol as a guarantee for its wines.