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Pruneti Select Polimoda

Pruneti has chosen Polimoda – one of the best design and fashion business schools in the world – to create innovative solutions to communicate the outstanding excellence of extra virgin olive oil made in Chianti Classico. “It is our responsibility to appeal to the next generation and to make them a part of our efforts to extend our global reach and internationalize the Pruneti Concept Food & Life Style” Gionni and Paolo Pruneti have always been seen as visionaries in the world of extra virgin olive oil, thanks in part to their innovative choices. For Pruneti, excellence represents the synthesis of passion, commitment, and attention to detail as well as attention to bottle design and the aesthetic value of labels and packaging. “I still remember,” Paolo begins, “when in 2014 we presented our Gift Box N ° 5. It was a courageous and conscious choice to enter a domain commonly reserved for the world of fashion, high-end perfume and cosmetics. It was a total break from the mainstream of Made in Italy agrifood communication. We did it to sensitize the consumer to the importance of choosing excellent extra virgin olive oil in their everyday lives. Today, however, in the post-pandemic “new normal” we have chosen to innovate how we communicate the value of our 3 collections of 9 oils. Our goal is to make them easily accessible to new generations from all over the world. To do so, it seemed natural for us to choose Polimoda, a brand in our territory that represents the maximum expression of creativity at an international level and in the global rankings is among the ten best fashion schools in the world ” “We chose Polimoda,” says Gionni, “because it is a school with Generation Z students and Millennials from all over the world with different cultures and languages who pursue the development of their talents with ambition and sacrifice. Thanks to their intuition and their many different perspectives, we are certain that they will be able to design new strategies and campaigns that express and meet the needs of our future customer. 21 students are taking part in the educational project. They are 3rd year students of the Undergraduate in Fashion Business course, and Pruneti offers a scholarship for the 3 students who have put forward the best proposals. Not only is it a real opportunity for training and personal growth, but it also puts forward the challenge of interpreting Pruneti extra virgin olive oil in order to reach the new generations. The program is meant to be a lever for the internationalization of the brand, even beyond the thirty countries where it is already present. “Gionni and I,” concludes Paolo, “place a great deal of trust in this project and are very aware of the great skills demonstrated in the first meeting with the students selected by Polimoda. Our expectations are high and we are sure that at the end of these 5 months, we will be able insert our brand in new cultural and commercial contexts with new wording, updated design, packaging and formats… all put forward by the students, under the expert guidance of their professors and the support of our team. ” A project that is fully an expression of Pruneti corporate social responsibility and its mission, it is destined to last over the years. The goal is to meet new challenges with openness and attention to the education of new generations, with an eye to the promotion of a good, healthy and sustainable lifestyle and a consciousness of oil culture. It is an effort that is indispensable in order to preserve the iconography of the territory and the identity of the local communities of the Chianti Classico.

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