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Pruneti Extra Movida

Greve in Chianti, 12 June 2020 The Pruneti Extra Gallery reopens its doors with Extra – Movida and offers food lovers the pleasure of enjoying an oil cocktail in the temple of extra oil virgin olive oil culture – Greve in Chianti. An ideal opportunity to live an alternative experience with family and friends with the utmost respect for everyones’ personal safety! “We are ready to move on to Phase 3, to bring the Pruneti Extra Gallery back to life and, with it, the many paths of discovery that we offer our visitors. Fortunately, we have ample indoor and outdoor spaces, a fact which permits us to offer personalized experiences to all lovers of extra virgin olive oil with total respect for social distancing,” underlines Gionni Pruneti. “We have created,” specifies Paolo Pruneti, “a detailed reopening plan. We begin on Saturday, Jun 13 with the opening of our Shop on weekends from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., giving clients the opportunity to taste and buy the Pruneti Extra Virgin olive oil collection and the Extra Gallery Made with Oil collection.” “On June 20 th , 21 st , 27 th and 28 th , Saturday and Sunday night of the two following weekends, we invite fans of the aperitif and mix-oil-ogy connoisseurs to the ExtraGallery Cocktail Experience in which we offer a shot of the three Pruneti Monocultivars – Frantoio, Moraiolo, Leccino – in the Olive Oil Spritz, Bloody Mary, Oliveto and many others … Accompanied, naturally, by specialty gourmet appetizers from the Pruneti Made with Oil collection.” The Pruneti Extra – Movida represents a new trend that guarantees the fun and pleasure of a cocktail or an aperitif, respecting the culture of good and healthy nutrition. “Saturday, July 4 we will return to our normal opening hours,” continues Paolo Pruneti, “and for Pruneti it will truly be Independence Day, a date that signals an exit from the Covid crisis (or maybe “lockdown”) and a return to the path we embarked upon in June 2019. It will finally be possible to explore the secrets of the perfect food/oil combination – each oil of the Pruneti collection in combination with the dishes of our culinary tradition and how Pruneti oil becomes the essential complementary ingredient.” “The Pruneti Extra Floor Private Experience will also again be available,” concludes Gionni Pruneti, “an option that is tailor-made for those looking to customize their Pruneti experience with attention to every detail for a dinner or an exclusive event.”

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