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Pruneti Celebrate Women

San Polo in Chianti, 03/05/2021 On 8 March 2021 Pruneti will launch an awareness campaign to promote contemporary talent and female leadership. From Kamala Harris to Samantha Cristoforetti, Pruneti has selected 9 women as “honorary ambassadors” for their exemplary perseverance and courage. One type of oil from the three collections is dedicated to each of them. Pruneti has always celebrated contemporary talent and female leadership. The company sees gender as a factor in competitiveness and innovation and promotes equity and equality between both genders and generations. “For me and my brother,” explains Gionni Pruneti, “it has always been natural to involve and encourage female participation in our company. This approach is part of the way we are and is one of the fundamental values that our family has passed on to us, together with honesty and respect for our land, the Chianti Classico.” “The excellence of our extra virgin olive oil is the result of these valuable teachings, continuous research, and commitment and is the consequence of a perfect synergy between wisdom, work, sacrifice and feminine intuition.” The “feminine” is an essential value of the century-plus Pruneti philosophy, starting from the role played by the women in the family in processing the iris flowers, to the choice of the female images portrayed in the Renaissance masterpieces that appear on the labels of the Monocultivar Collection, the flagship line of Pruneti extra virgin olive oils. “We have personally selected,” underlines Paolo Pruneti, “nine women with international profiles, all symbols of female emancipation and icons of talent and courage in their professions – from art and literature, to astrophysics, politics and science. To each of them we have dedicated one of the 9 oils in the 3 Pruneti collections.For the Monocultivars we have chosen Maria Callas, Frida Kahlo and Serena Dandini, 3 independent-minded and counter-current figures for 3 unique and inimitable oils…from the mildest to the spiciest. The Fruttati collection is, rather, dedicated to 3 women who have made their constant commitment their success – Svetlana Zakharova, Kamala Harris and Maria Rosaria Capobianchi. The three oils of the Colline di Firenze collection – the perfect synthesis of exploration, balance of flavors and pursuit of excellence – Samantha Cristoforetti, Aurora Mazzucchelli and Marion Mahony Griffin. A choice that pays homage to the entire female universe through nine leaders who have written and continue to write the future with their daily commitment and dedication – women who represent, especially in today’s world made more fragile by the pandemic, an example for future generations. Not an event, but a project of social relevance and leadership education, which we plan to celebrate annually, in order to sensitize girls and young women to a world that is still too masculine, and to learn how to invest in their skills and trust in their own talent. And Pruneti sets a good example every day, as evidenced by the selection of the operational team, where female figures excel: Sonia Lapini CFO, Irene Innocenti Quality Manager, Katy Lapini Pr & Brand Manager, Sofia Bonechi Pruneti Life Style Promoter.

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